OHCEAC's 3rd Annual Conference Comes to a Close!

Aug. 14, 2024

The Ohio Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (OHCEAC) held its third annual controlled environment agriculture (CEA) conference, "Advancement in CEA Automation and Crop Management", on July 17, 2024, in Columbus, OH. The full-day conference focused on the application of robotics, AI, biostimulants and nutrient strategies in CEA, as well as future advancements, with a goal of improved production and sustainability. The event was attended by 109 in-person participants at Ohio State's newly constructed Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex (CEARC) at the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory and hosted 81 online participants.   

Conference attendees enjoy food Conference attendees converse

Keynote Speakers

The OHCEAC conference morning session began with four keynote speaker presentations from four internationally and nationally renowned speakers in key areas of robotics, artificial lighting and greenhouse design: Dr. Dimitrios Apostolopoulos (Carnegie Mellon University), Dr. Silke Hemming (Wageningan University & Research), Dr. Erik Runkle (Michigan State University) and Dr. Eldert J. Van Henten (Wageningen University & Research).


From L to R seated against the board: Eldert Van Henten, Erik Runkle, Silke Hemming (on-screen), Dimitrios Apostolopoulos

From L to R seated against the board: Eldert Van Henten, Erik Runkle,
Silke Hemming (on-screen), Dimitrios Apostolopoulos

Presentation Topics:

  • Dr. Dimitrios "Dimi" Apostolopoulos (Carnegie Mellon University): "Robotics for Agricultural Applications at the National Robotics Engineering Center at Carnegie Mellon University"
  • Dr. Silke Hemming (Wageningen University & Research): "Can We Reach Autonomous Greenhouses in the Future?"
  • Dr. Erik Runkle (Michigan State University): "Keys to Successful Application of Horticultural Lighting"
  • Dr. Eldert J. Van Henten (Wageningen University & Research): "Why Robots Are not yet Abundantly Used in Protected Cultivation" 

Invited Research Presenters

The OHCEAC conference afternoon session featured eight invited research presentations by academic and industry based controlled environment research groups: Dr. Jennifer Boldt (USDA-ARS), Dr. Ryan Dickinson (University of Arkansas), Dr. Changhyeon Kim (Ohio State University), Jonathan Lee-Rodriguez (Ohio State University), Dr. Qingqu "William" Meng (University of Delaware), Dr. Jan Westra (Priva), Dr. Craig Yendrek (Hawthorne Gardening Company) and Dr. Azlan Zahid (Texas A&M University). 

Invited research presenter Peter Ling speaks with a conference attendee

Invited research presenter Peter Ling speaks with a conference attendee

Presentation Topics:

  • Dr. Jennifer Boldt (USDA-ARS): "Nutrient Strategies to Increase Strawberry Daughter Plant Production in Controlled Environments"
  • Dr. Ryan Dickinson (University of Arkansas): "Advanced Nutrient Management for Recirculating Hydroponics"
  • Dr. Changhyeon Kim (Ohio State University): "Development of a Data-driven Leaf Pruning Method Based on Weekly Light Integral Below the Canopy"
  • Jonathan Lee Rodriguez (Ohio State University): "Utilizing Environmental DNA for the Detection and Identificationn of Common Greenhouse Pests Found on Tomato Plants"
  • Dr. Qingqu "William" Meng (University of Delaware): "Novel Biostimulant Control of Lettuce Tipburn in Greenhouse Hydroponic Production"
  • Dr. Jan Westra (Priva): "AI and Growing Plants: Limits, Threats and Opportunities in Real World Applications"
  • Dr. Craig Yendrek (Hawthorne Gardening Company): "Evaluating Winter Production of Six Capsicum annuum Cultivars Grown in the Greenhouse with Supplemental LED"
  • Dr. Azlan Zahid (Texas A&M University): "AI-Enhanced Computer Vision for Crop Monitoring in Controlled Environment Agriculture"

Mark your calendars: OHCEAC's fourth annual cea conference will be held on
July 16, 2025, following cultivate'25

We Look Forward to seeing you next summer!


Conference attendees Conference attendees

Photos from the OHCEAC third Annual CEA Conference at the Ohio State Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex (CEARC) sponsored by AdeptAg, Agrolux,
Bauerle Precision, BFG Supply co., 
Certhon, RAYN Growing Systems and Sollum Technologies with Media Partner: CEAg World on July 17, 2024


Contact: Carly Becker (becker.421@osu.edu), OHCEAC Program Coordinator