Controlled Environment Berry Production Information (CEBPI)

The Controlled Environment Berry Production Information resource is for everyone who wants to learn how to produce flavorful strawberries under controlled environment conditions. 

The material was developed as an updated version of a previous Kubota Lab website developed at Arizona State University.

Please contact Chieri Kubota or Mark Kroggel with any suggestions or comments.  

Table of Contents:

  1. Planting Materials
  2. Flowering Basics
  3. Production Systems - Structures
  4. Production Systems - Substrate Systems
  5. Productivity - Production Cycle
  6. Productivity - Fruit Quality
  7. Environment
  8. Lighting
  9. Fertigation
  10. Pollination
  11. Pruning Basics
  12. Automation
  13. Disorders
  14. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  15. Costs
  16. Resources
  17. Contact